October 2006 Newsletter

John Johnson entertained us for the day with a bit of Yorkshire wit, (for those who could understand it) that went with his description of what he was doing. (During the morning someone did comment that it was the first demo we had in a foreign language!!) John’s first piece was to make a split turning to form the upright of a raised bowl on a stand. Instead of starting with four pieces of wood lightly glued together he turned a square reducing the middle section to a smooth curve and left the ends square. This was then cut into four on the bandsaw, numbering the four sections first. This much had been prepared beforehand. The four sections were then turned inside out, reassembled and glued. The piece was then mounted between centres, a Steb centre at the headstock and a hollow running centre at the tailstock. The outside shape was turned with decorative ends and spigots on which to mount the base and top bowl.

John’s next project was to turn the surround for a very attractive barometer. Starting with the back he turned a recess to take the chuck jaws and then a slightly smaller recess to take the metal mounting ring and finally polished it. He then turned the blank round and turned the face with a recess to take the barometer, machining right up to the chuck jaws. He asked Sheila Smithers what shape the front should be and she said curved to match the back. John pulled a face (more Yorkshire humour) and did as he was told!! The mechanism was then mounted to complete a really nice piece.
The mechanism was supplied by Bude Time Enterprises Ltd.
Sorry about the quality of the photo. The flash reflected off the glass.

His final item for the day was to turn an ash bowl with a stained rim. Once it was turned he used a wire brush to brush away the soft fibres between the annular rings before applying the stain. He used Chestnut red stain followed by liming paste, followed by melamine lacquer and finally clear wax. The photo shows the end product.

To see the photos please go to the GALLERY for September 2006.

The fish ‘n’ chip lunch was held on the 16th with 24 of us joining in the fun. The food arrived hot and on time and when we had finished eating we got on with the game of skittles. The skittles were made by members at the hands on night and Norman turned the balls. Below are a few action photos. The winner was Mike Windsor who’s name will go on the cup. Well done Mike.

OK. That was September and now for October.
The date for the next meeting is the 14th October and Dave Reeks will be demonstrating. I don’t need to tell you that whatever he gets up to it will be full of interest and I am sure we will have a full house for this one.
Talking about demonstrations, you may remember that I mentioned in July that Mark of Mark Plants Ltd. would give a talk on the safe handling of chain saws. Well, it’s now been arranged and Mark will join us on our next hands on night which is the 12th October. The meeting starts at 7 pm and ends at around 9 pm.

Also in October The Surrey Woodturners are having their annual show at the Mytchett Centre on Sunday the 29th. It’s open from 11 am until 4 pm and admission is £2. For those who need directions the phone number for the Mytchett centre is 01252 370073.

The club Christmas dinner.
We have only had 19 members and their wives, friends or partners book so far. I hope more will book to come along. Is it the price that is making you hold back? We want everyone in the same room for the evening and The Tudor Rose is the best of the bunch we contacted and it is only £2.50 more than this years price at the Dover Castle. It has a much bigger selection of food and being self service you can be picky in what you choose to eat. And if it was good you can go back for more!! So can we please have some more names on the list.

At the suggestion of Peter Fuller we are going to introduce two new trophies. It started with Peter approaching Ian Alston with the idea of something in memory of Bill Alston and they then brought the idea to the committee. Ian will provide the trophy for his dad but he is still looking into what shape it should take. It will be presented to the person who wins the most winners certificates in one year at the monthly meetings and will be presented at the AGM.
The other trophy will be a memorial to all members who have passed away while still members of the club. This will be presented at the Christmas dinner for the most attractive piece of work brought along on the night and will be chosen by the ladies. So let’s see who can be the most creative.

That’s all for this one. I hope I’ll see you all on the 14th.


The following was received by Graham from Pat Hughes

Hello Graham,
Yes it's me, all in one piece, no bumps, scrapes or bruises. A very good and enjoyable day eventually. I arrived at the airfield at about 7.45 ready for the office to open at 8.30, I was 4th to sign in and jumped eventually for various reasons at about 3.45. Would I do it again !. Yes, and the second time would be even better because you would know what to expect.

Attached are four photo's out of 48, you sellect whichever one you want for the newsletter.
I have collected £164 which I will round up to £200 to send to Demelza House.

Pat Hughes

For Sale

This is for a friend of Brian Love Record lathe 48” between centres. 5 speeds plus all tools. It is 2 years old and has only been used for 3 hours.
For more information please phone Keith on 01622 205904

For sale

Sale of woodturning blanks, squares and turning accessories plus a selection of odd pieces of timber all at half price or less. Contact Dave Hammond at 65 Hawthorne Road Sittingbourne ME10 1BD Phone 01795 474571